Streamlining onsite operations
C2C Site Services offers a comprehensive range of solutions to support the smooth operation of your worksite.
From ground and yard maintenance to shutdown support, equipment and machinery washdown, and expert warehouse support staff, we have got you covered.
C2C Site Services can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your operations.
Ground & Yard Maintenance
mowing, slashing and brush cutting;
herbicide spraying and weed control;
tree lopping and chainsaw works;
garden maintenance and landscaping.
Equipment & machinery washdown
equipment & plant cleaning for routine maintenance and shutdown;
plant cleaning for NDT testing and maintenance preparation;
sump and pit cleaning.
Shutdown Support
shutdown logistics and preparation
hire equipment Mobe and De-mobe
develop, maintain and assess JSA’s for scoped works.
Warehouse support staff
organise freight and dispatch;
provide forklift duties for delivering parts and load / unload trucks;
help with general warehouse and housekeeping duties;
provide industrial and commercial cleaning as well as office and crib cleaning and disinfection.
laydown area cleaning and maintenance;
contamination disinfectant cleaning;
high pressure water blasting.